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Hand wash
First, wash hands according to existing protocol. Then, rinse hands for 20 seconds under ozonated water. The ozonated water will enhence detergent performance. Activate the system using the motion sensor to prevent cross-contamination. The machine will auto shut-off after 20 seconds.






Surface disinfection (with Biowell Spray Bottle)
Moisten cloth with ozonated water. Use immediately to wipe surfaces, such as dental office countertops, cabinets, equipment surfaces, water-contactable surfaces, and so on. For better results, use with the ozone-compatible Biowell Spray Bottle. Fill the spray bottle with ozonated water and use immediately for best results, Ozonated water can be stored in the special bottle for up to 20 minutes. Spray surfaces with the bottle and wipe.





Instrument pre-wash
Pre-wash instruments with ozonated water and perform a visual check before autoclaving as an assurance to an existing sterilization step.





Bacteria-free water source
Wash skin, mouths, and wounds and for applications requiring clean water for infection control. Soak or wash impressions, prosthesis, dentures, nightguards, bleaching trays, temporary crowns andbridges, implants abutments, etc.





Scaling & prophylaxis
Fill water supply bottle of the scaler unit with ozonated water.





Irrigant in ultrasonic scalers
Fill bottles with ozonated water.





Dental unit water bottles
Fill bottles with ozonated water to prevent biofilm build-up.





Mouth rinse
Fill patient's cup with ozonated water and use immediately for rinsing. Use as a pre-procedural mouth rinse. Ozonated water has antibacterial properties and is a bacteria-free water source.





Treatment area irrigation
Fill a syringe with a needle with ozonated water and use it to irrigate the treatment area. Use immediately.





* Ensure accessories and equipment that contact ozonated water are of ozone-resistant material.






High purity ozone, easy dissolution, high ppm
Our exclusive and advanced technology produces ozone without any other products besides oxygen. This allows for high dissolution in water, giving high ppm concentrations for effective disinfection.

No unacceptable by-products, no rinse required, residue-free
Ozone naturally reverts back to oxygen.

Safe for everyone, from all aspects
Ozonated water can be used to protect patients and staff from bacteria and infections. It is safe to handle and can be used on water contactable surfaces.

All Biowell systems use Biotek Electrolytic Ozone Generation (EOG) Technology for safe and efficient ozone generation without any health risks. All systems are designed with a built-in ozone neutralizing unit.

Compatible with dental bonding materials
Ozonated water leaves no biocidal traces so there is no contamination risk in bonding procedures and does not interfere with dental material bond strengths in endodontic.

Effective even against drug resistant bacteria
Ozone acts instantly, oxidizing bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms by rupturing their cell membranes. Microorganisms cannot build a resistance to ozone. 

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Compact Disinfection Unit





  • Improve hygiene and care

  • Reduce the risk of infections

  • Effective against Legionella pneumophila, Pseudomonas spp. and E. coli

  • Safe to use

  • Does not interfere with dental material bond strengths


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